Expressive Arts, Discovery, 0 - 18 months, 18 - 36 months, 36 months - 6 years, 6+ years, Communication, Sense of Belonging, Understanding the World

Celebrating Diwali with children

20 October 2022

One of the key aspirations of all early childhood curriculums around the world is to create a strong sense of belonging for all children where they can feel proud of the cultural values and traditions of their families. Supporting children to be open, respectful and accepting of people with different beliefs and traditions will help to shape respectful attitudes in the next generation.

One of the most well-known Hindu festivals celebrated globally is Diwali. Celebrations are usually held over five days to observe the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil and hope over despair.

The festive period begins with Dhanteras and ends on Bhaiya Dooj.

You can read more here.

When to celebrate Diwali

Diwali falls on the date of the new moon between the Hindu months of Asvina and Karika, usually in October or November. This year Diwali falls on Monday 24th October.

How is Diwali celebrated?

Diwali is known as the “festival of lights” because many homes, shops and streets are decorated with lamps, lights and candles. Firework displays may also be held during celebrations.

Hindu families may also share traditional food throughout the five days of Diwali.

Ideas for how you can acknowledge and celebrate Diwali with children

Read and watch stories about the legend of Diwali.

Get creative with our Diwali-themed Enspires

Rangoli Art: create rangolis, a colourful floor decoration that symbolises wealth, joy, and prosperity. Decorate your space by sharing your art with families. North Willoughby Family Daycare created these on mirrors using PVA and coloured sand.

Ice Diya: create an ice diya using a cake tin or mould with a hole in the middle for a lamp or candle. Before freezing the ice add collections of nature foraged by your children, adding the remaining around the lamp when you bring it out on a special occasion to light and display.

Henna hand art: design and paint traditional body art on the children’s hands using henna (with parent permission) using the moment while creating the artwork to talk to them about this celebration.

Firework art: cut cardboard tubes to use as a paintbrush and bright coloured paints on black paper, emulating the shape of fireworks and creating an interesting pattern on the paper.

Rangoli loose play art: set up a loose parts activity with rangoli images displayed for reference. Allow the children to make their own patterns using the brightly coloured loose parts provided.

Baking: ask your Hindu families for their suggestions and recipes for traditional food that you could make with children. One of our favourites is this Coconut Ladoo Recipe.

Share your Diwali-themed enspires and win a 1-year subscription to Enspirement, giving you full access to our gallery of Enspires.